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النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3

الموضوع: الحرس الثوري الإيراني يهدد باختطاف نتنياهو واستعباده في طهران

  1. Top | #1

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2020
    معدل المشاركات

    الحرس الثوري الإيراني يهدد باختطاف نتنياهو واستعباده في طهران

    Iranian commander threatens to kidnap Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu

    By Jesse O’Neill

    November 22, 2022

    An Iranian military commander threatened to kidnap former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday and “frog march” him to Iran “wearing a leash and a slave collar.”

    Mojtaba Fada, the commander of Isfahan’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, also called for the destruction of “the child-murdering regime [of] Israel,” according to the Jerusalem Post, which cited Iran’s Bahar News newspaper.

    Fada’s threats against Israel’s longest-serving leader came at a funeral in Isfahan for “martyrs” who died while cracking down on dissidents protesting the September death of Kurdish Iranian woman Mahsa Amini, 22.

    Amini died in the custody of the regime’s morality police after she allegedly wore her hijab improperly, sparking widespread continued demonstrations and clashes between protesters and authorities across the totalitarian state.

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

    Mojtaba Fada, the Iranian regime’s commander of the Revolutionary Guard in the province of Isfahan, reportedly said Sunday that the theocratic state wants to

    kidnap Benjamin Netanyahu and bring him to the Islamic Republic as a slave.http://www.imna.ir

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

    The threats against former Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came as Tehran cracked down on widespread protests across Iran.APFada reportedly said said that “the former prime minister of the Zionist regime hoped that the protests in Iran would lead him to travel to Tehran,” but the Islamic Republic “will prevail and will frog march that prime minister to Iran wearing a leash and a slave collar.”

    The violent rhetoric was typical of that from Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s regime, experts told the Israeli newspaper.

    Clerical leaders have “a pattern of making physical and assassination threats against world leaders,” said Banafsheh Zand, an Iranian American expert on the Islamic Republic.

    “In other words, anyone who dares to take issue with Tehran’s brazen terrorism and violent methodology publicly ends up getting that exact type of threat issued to them by the Khomeinist authority,” she added.

    Zand’s commentary came as US Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley recently conceded that the regime’s assassination threats against US government officials would make a nuclear accord with the country impossible.

    “Though, for the past four-plus decades, most world leaders and international bodies such as the UN have willfully turned a blind eye to the criminality of the Islamic regime, now it is becoming more and more inescapable,” Zand told the outlet.

    Netanyahu, 73, will become prime minister for a record sixth time after he was returned to power earlier this month. He first served as leader in the 1990s.

    He was elevated back to power this year, beating current Prime Minister Yair Lapid, with the help of far-right parliamentary allies — and is now tasked with forming a government as he stands trial on corruption charges.

  2. Top | #2

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2020
    معدل المشاركات
    نتمنى أن نرى نتنياهو قريبا يطاف فيه مثل العبد في شوارع طهران وسككها

  3. Top | #3

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2014
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    ضروري الاطفال في الشوارع يلاحقونه ويضربونه بالصخر وبما تجود به أيديهم

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