مبارك حسين
12-09-2018, 05:28 AM
طالبه بعدم صرف أموال دافعي الضرائب الامريكان في دعمه للحرب والتي تؤدي لتجويع أطفال اليمن
السيناتور الامريكي نائب عن ولاية فيرمونت
٧ ديسمبر
This report from Yemen states it clearly—U.S. tax dollars are being used to starve children in Yemen. Next week the Senate will vote on SJ Res 54, and tell the president and the world that the U.S. must no longer be complicit in this humanitarian disaster.
السيناتور الامريكي نائب عن ولاية فيرمونت
٧ ديسمبر
This report from Yemen states it clearly—U.S. tax dollars are being used to starve children in Yemen. Next week the Senate will vote on SJ Res 54, and tell the president and the world that the U.S. must no longer be complicit in this humanitarian disaster.