المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : نعوم شومسكي : السعودية هي مركز الاسلام المتطرف الذي ينتشر في وسط المسلمين السنة ...فيديو

07-06-2017, 08:21 AM
Chomsky: Saudi Arabia is the "Center of Radical Islamic Extremism" Now Spreading Among Sunni Muslims


May 2016 17

http://democracynow.org - As Saudi Arabia continues to fund fighting in Syria and Yemen, Noam Chomsky says it is "the center of radical Islamic extremism." Chomsky adds that the U.S. ally is "a source of not only funding for extremist radical Islam and the jihadi outgrowths of it, but also, doctrinally, mosques, clerics and so on, schools, you know, madrassas, where you study just Qur’an, is spreading all over the huge Sunni areas from Saudi influence."

07-06-2017, 08:36 AM
Real Time with Bill Maher: Why Do They Hate Us?

Dylan Ratigan: ISIS Struck Paris Because America Finances Saudi Arabia


The reason terrorists are targeting Paris is because America finances Saudi Arabia, author and former MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan argued Friday night while the attack was still underway. Appearing on Real Time with Bill Maher, the host asked his panel “Why do they hate us?” Ratigan replied, “Because we finance the capital flow into Saudi Arabia that then arms the population that has power in Saudi Arabia to oppress the population that does not have the power in Saudi Arabia, which then is deprived of basic resources in Saudi Arabia, which is then radicalized inside the Muslim religion and then lashes out irrationally, violently, murderously against the innocent people who did nothing.” “The United States’ lack of — we need to be accountable to our own government for our relationship with Saudi Arabia,” he continued. Later in the panel, Bill Maher offered his own theory: ISIS is striking the West because America is bombing the terrorist group in Syria.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/427084/dylan-ratigan-isis-struck-paris-because-america-finances-saudi-arabia-tom-s-elliott

الراي السديد
07-14-2017, 02:47 PM
https://fb-s-a-a.akamaihd.net/h-ak-fbx/v/t1.0-9/19894823_706511572890673_6708564058686728397_n.jpg ?oh=f61d0bcc0735617839c9ff02de305022&oe=5A065B43&__gda__=1505998222_ec78f73815558d7cbed416af06f94b8 6