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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : صورة .... اصطياد تمساح هائل في الفلبين يزن طن

09-08-2011, 12:40 AM

نجح الفلبينيون في صيد تمساح ضخم يزن طنا واحدا بعد مطاردة استمرت اكثر من ثلاثة اسابيع. وقد استخدم الصيادون اربعة أفخاخ مستخدمين كوابل من الفولاذ لصيد التمساح الذي سبب القلق لسكان المنطقة بعد قيامه بعدد من الهجمات الدامية. هذا ويخطط الصيادون لوضع التمساح الضخم في الحديقة البيئية والمزمع اقامتها في احدى البلدات جنوبي الفلبين.

تاريخ النشر: الخميس, سبتمبر 08, 2011

Giant crocodile captured alive in Philippines 21ft long


09-08-2011, 12:48 AM
Giant Crocodile Captured

Sep 6

Posted by officialmagicpg

MANILA, Philippines

A one-ton saltwater crocodile was captured by Villagers and veteran hunters,which they plan to make an attraction in an ecotourism park in a southern Philippine town.

The 21-foot (6.4-meter) male crocodile was captured along a creek in Bunawan township in Agusan del Sur province after a hunt that almost spanned a month. It could be one of the largest crocodiles to be captured alive .

The crocodile was said to have killed a water buffalo in an attack witnessed by the villagers last month and was also suspected of having attacked a fisherman who went missing in July. In other words, being a Crocodile.

The hunters initially set four traps, at which the crocodile destroyed. It took sturdy traps and steel cables, to finally catch the crocodile. 100 people had to pull the crocodile, which weighs about 2,370 pounds (1,075 kilograms), from the creek to a clearing where a crane lifted it into a truck.

أمان أمان
09-08-2011, 02:15 PM
سبحان الخالق

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