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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مصادر استخبارية غربية: انهيار كبير في صحة العاهل السعودي عبد الله بن عبد العزيز بسبب عزل مبارك

02-12-2011, 12:38 PM
الجمعة, 11 فبراير 2011


وطن - خاص - تدهورت صحة العاهل السعودي كثيراً في الأيام القليلة الماضية طبقا لما قاله موقع وورلد تريبون نقلا عن مصادر استخبارية.

وقال الموقع ان العاهل السعودي اصابه انهيار جدي بالصحة خلال الأيام القليلة الماضية وبالتحديد منذ بدأ جهوده مع واشنطن لمحاولة انقاذ مبارك ونظامه

وذكرت تلك المصادر الاستخبارتية ان هذا الانهيار ليس بخطورة قد تعرضه للموت.

إلا أن الحالة الصحية العامة للعاهل السعودي لا تدعو كثيرا للتفاؤل وقد يتعرض لانهيارات صحية أكثر في الأيام المقبلة.

وخصوصا انه يعاني من فشل وقصور في القلب.

رابط الموقع:


معيدي فهمان
02-12-2011, 02:07 PM
على ابواب الموت وكل هالمؤامرات على الشعوب

شلون لو كان صاحي شنو يسوي ؟

الله ياخذه

02-12-2011, 08:23 PM
Friday, February 11, 2011

Saudi King suffers a 'major medical setback'

WASHINGTON — Saudi King Abdullah is said to have fallen seriously ill.

Western intelligence sources said Abdullah's medical condition has deteriorated sharply over the last few days. But they said he was not in danger of imminent death.
"He has suffered a major medical setback," an intelligence source said

The sources said Abdullah, who has sought to recover from two operations in the United States in late 2010, experienced a deterioration in his health during efforts to help embattled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. They said the 86-year-old king sought to lobby the United States to support the continuation of the Mubarak regime despite the massive opposition campaign in Egypt.

"These efforts certainly didn't help his health and probably harmed recovery," the source said.

Over the last two months, Abdullah was resting in his home in Morocco. The sources said the king was suffering from back and heart ailments as well as signs of dementia.

For their part, Saudi opposition sources said Abdullah died on Feb. 9 at his home in Morocco. On late Feb. 10, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al Faisal said Abdullah was in "excellent shape."

Over the last six months, Abdullah has ceded authority to his deputy prime minister, Prince Nayef Bin Abdul Aziz. Opposition sources and Western diplomats agreed that Nayef, also Saudi interior minister, has been in charge of both Saudi foreign and domestic policy since late 2010. Crown Prince Sultan was also said to have been sidelined by dementia and other ailments