المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الخيار الهندي له دور كبير في تنظيم السكر في الدم

08-29-2009, 10:32 AM

The Asian ingredient for blood sugar problems!

"Ugly cucumber" works wonders for balancing your blood sugar levels!

"Don't look at it—just eat it!" While this amazing Asian delicacy may look like an ugly cucumber—it's chockfull of nutrients proven to help balance your blood sugar!

In fact, in one research study printed in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, the juice from this fruit called Bitter melon was found to significantly promote healthy glucose tolerance of 73% of the patients who took it!

That's because Bitter melon contains:

Charantin—a hypoglycemic nutrient that's now proven extremely effective!

Momordica—contains an insulin like polypeptide which helps regulate blood sugar levels when injected like insulin!

And Bitter melon has few side effects—making it a #1 natural supplement for regulating your
blood sugar!

While Bitter melon is very popular in Asia and Europe—it's relatively unknown—and difficult to find—in the U.S.

But you'll get a whopping 400 mg of this amazing blood sugar stabilizer in every serving of Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™!

If you've got unhealthy blood sugar—you know cuts and wounds can cause serious problems for your body. That's why Advanced Blood Sugar Solution™ includes this remarkable
nutrient called…